Danny's Misery

IMG_2238Morning folks, it me Danny the Dog. I'm here today to tell ya'all of my two days of misery.

Perhaps I should start at the beginning., I mean the very beginning.

Ever since I was a little shaver, my human has alawys kept me near. He worked for himself, so I could always go with him on his jobs. We've been together ten years or more and I've gotten used to him. When I was younger, he did leave me home on occassion, but who cared? There was a cat next door that I used to watch from the window as it sat under a tree. That was fun, and it kept me occupied all day. Anyway, here's the thing. Somewhere along the way, I got used to having him around. Oh, I forgot to mention that three years ago he stopped working and became a writer, so he's home all the time now, he never goes out. Maybe that's it, but whatever it is, I like having him around, but don't ask me why.

So here's what happened. The night before last, he went out for the first time in a long time without taking me. As he was leaving I asked him to take me with him. I know I was barking, but he understands me. We live on a boat now and he said only, "STAY!" I mean is that anyway to speak to man's best friend?

Well, he was gone only a few hours and when he came home, I wagged my tail until it almost fell off.

After that, I reckoned everything would go back to normal. But no, Andrew, that's my human's name, got up bright and early the next morning (something he never does) and after I took him for a walk, he started to leave me, again! I couldn't believe it, not again. It was invidious of him to say the least. And I let Andrew know it in no uncertain terms.  Well, it didn't matter what I said, he left me alone anyway. And this time he was gone all day.

I was very unhappy, and kind of lonely. So the only thing I could think to do was was get up on his chair, where he sits when he writes, and spend the day there waiting for Andrew to come home.

When he finally came in, I cried a little bit (the first time in my life). But I've got to hand it to Andrew. When he saw how lonely I'd been he told that he would never leave me alone again for more than a few minutes. I don't know what minutes are, but by his voice and the way he scratched my neck, I know he loves me. So I forgive him.

Black Haired Beauty

We were in love … so in love. It was summertime, it was the beginning of our lives. It was the end of our lives. She was a black hair beauty, loving me as no one has ever loved me. The time spent with her was so sweet. Her skin, her smile, her everything … I loved her so much. So it’s funny how things worked out.
Her father did not approve of me, he thought me a loser, not good enough for his daughter. When I came calling, he would show his disapproval of me by addressing me as the bug he thought I was. Never a civil word.
But she and I were in love. The old man didn’t matter … nothing mattered. We had nothing to lose. We had each other.
We decided to run away … we were in love … we were young …
So sweet …
I went to her house that night … that horrible night. She was to be outside waiting for me, but she wasn’t. Instead, her father met me. He had a gun.
I loved his daughter and because of that, he pointed the gun at me and squeezed the trigger.
The gun misfired.
Without thinking, I took the gun from him. Without thinking, I turned the gun and pointed it at him. Without thinking, I killed him.
Now I am awaiting my execution … I sit in a prison cell and think of my black haired beauty.

Waiting For Greeneyes

I know it won't be long, she'll be here soon. Sitting here waiting for her gives me time to reflect on my morning. It has been a most interesting morning to say the least, I had never killed a man before.

The man I killed woke up this morning as I did. He thought, as I did, that it would be just another day trying to make it in this crazy world of ours. How did our paths cross? Why did we converge, why today of all days?

I've never been in love before, not until I met Greeneyes. She is my first and only love, but she was married, she told me right off. As the relationship deepened, we knew that we would spend the rest of our lives together. We planned our future with wild abandon, we were fools because now there is no future.

As I walked out my door this morning I was confronted by a man, a big man. He blocked my path and said, "What makes you think you can fuck my wife and get away with it?" I was momentarily confused, but not for long. So this was "hubby," the man I was going to replace.

I know now that I made a mistake when I smiled because it enraged him and he drew a knife from somewhere and tried to cut me. He had thirty pounds on me, but I'm fast. I grabbed the hand holding the knife and twisted it. The knife fell to the pavement and it was in my hand before I knew it. And before I knew it, the knife was sticking out of his throat. Blood everywhere.

Today Greeneyes and I were leaving, running away if you will.

Here she comes. She is beautiful and I love her so much. But behind her I see the police, they are coming for me.

I am covered in her husband's blood and I will never see my Greenyes again once the police have me, I cannot live with that. I still have the knife and I raise it to my throat and slice hard and deep.

Laying on the ground with her horrified face above me I want to say something, but I cannot speak. The police are taking her away. It is getting dark, I can't speak, but I'm sending my thoughts out to my Greeneyes, "I'll be waiting for you my love."

Then everything went dark. Now I am in a strange place waiting for my Greeneyes.

Danny's Friend Sam

Today I want to tell you about my friend Sam.

He spent the night out on the town. He was running with some of his own kind and they made a night of it. But it wasn’t what he wanted. He wanted a home and a friend. He had been taken from his mother when he was quite young. In fact, he could not remember his mother or his siblings. He was given to a family that did not treat him well.

At the first opportunity he ran away. Now it has been awhile since he has known the love of another. If only he could be loved.

On his way to find a place to sleep the day away, he came upon a boy of about twelve years of age; the boy, whose name was Butch, smiled when he saw him.

“Hi. What’s your name?” asked the boy.

“What’s my name?” he thought, “I don’t know! No one has ever addressed me by any other name than “Hey you!” When I was trying to cadge some food and the old woman would catch me, she would always say, “Hey you, get out of here.” Then she would take a broom to me.

Butch did not wait for an answer. Instead he approached and knelt down to eye level and said, “I like you. I think I’ll name you Sam.”

At that his tail started to wag. Sam sounds like a fine name, he thought.

So it was that the boy Butch and the dog Sam became fast friends and Sam finally found the love and the friend he had yearned for.31091_1348759650805_5378452_n

Danny's Freedom

Hey guys, it's me again, Danny the dog.

I've just been reading a little Billy Shakespeare and listening to Kris Kristofferson. Genius will tell out. What got to me this day was how they both spoke to having nothing. Billy said, "Having nothing, nothing can he lose." and Kris wrote, "Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose. Nothin' ain't worth nothin' but it's free."31091_1348757250745_6079042_n

In dog years I'm an old man, or an old dog if you will; and with age comes experience and with experience comes wisdom. And with wisdom comes the realization that we need nothing to be, nothing to exist. We accumulate so much crap and it never makes us happy. Here in America we have storage facilities on every friggin' corner We have so much crap we have to pay someone to hold it for us.

Over one hundred years ago Henry David Thoreau told his neighbors that they saved things and put them in their attics and there the stuff stayed until they died. Then their heirs sold the stuff and people bought it and put it in their attics until they died. Ecetra ... ecetra ... ecetra.

Wait a minute ... it's hard to write and listen to Kris ... "Feelin good was easy Lord when Bobby sang the blues. Buddy that was good enough for me ... good enough for me and Bobby McGee ..." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-J7mLyD3yc

Wow ... that song does something to me ... okay where was I?

I reckon what I want to say today is that all we need, dogs, humans and anyone else, is love. There is only love. There is fear of course, the fear of not having enough, the fear of not being loved enough. But love will always triumph fear. So my non-dog friends, love. I'm a dog and I love my human unconditionally. Love those around you, never trade your love, never ask for something in return because then it is not love.

"I'd trade all my tomorrows for a single yesterday ..."

Danny and Me

31091_1348759650805_5378452_nAlright folks, I've been letting Danny do all the talking up to this point, but now it's my turn. I'm Andrew Joyce and I can talk for myself.

Yeah, I admit that Danny is a better writer than I am, but so what, he's only a dog and I am his Lord and Master.

"HEY ... HEY ...HEY ... It's me ... Danny! No one is my Lord and Master."

"Please Danny ... I know this is your blog ... but you have been talkin' about me and I think it's time I set the record straight."

"The record is straight asshole, you're a friggin' drunk and I do all the writing for you and you take all the credit. Now ... this is my blog so get lost."

"Danny, please let me say something to the fine people who read your blog, all two of 'em'"

"Was that a crack?'


"Whatever yourself! Okay ... just this once you may have the floor, so to speak. And you better say what you have to say now because it's your only shot."

"Thank you Danny".

It's me, Andrew ... I like Danny, but sometimes he can be a bit much. So, where was I? Oh yeah, I wanted to tell you that I'm not such a fuck up as Danny portrays in his blog. Well, maybe I am, but that is beside the point. Now that I have your attention, I'm a little tongue-tied, but I'll say what I have to say.

I want to tell you of someone. I am, as Danny is always saying, a loser. But I hang on because there is one woman who believes in me. She believes in angles and she believes in me. She believes in losers and she believes in me.

She believes in me.

Her name is Suzanne and she is a beauty. She motivates me to get up in the morning ... she sustains me throughout the day, and she puts me into my bed at night with a smile upon my face. She is everything good ... she is everything.

That's all I wanted to say. Danny is breathing down my neck to get off, so I'll give him back his blog.