

Jesus H. Friggin’ Christ!

Why do you people always put the “H” in there? I don’t mind the friggin’, but my middle name was not Harvey or Howie. In fact, my name was Jesus Bar Joseph (Jesus, Son of Joseph).

I need to set a few things straight, if I may. Are you ready?

One, I am no more the son of God than you are. Well, let me rephrase that. We all come from the Father; we are brothers and sisters.

The other thing I want to say is that I did not walk upon this planet to die for your sins. There is no sin. There is only love and fear. I came to show you the path back to our Father. I was once known as Lao-tuz, as Sri Krishna, as Siddhartha Guatama and of course, Jesus Bar Joseph.

Let’s talk about Love and Fear.

First fear: When men speak in my name and say that other men are wicked, that they will go to hell because of who they are . . . that is fear speaking. If someone is different from you, that does not make them wicked. If someone wants to love another person of their own sex, that does not condemn them to hell. I did not come to Earth to set rules for my brothers and sisters to live by. I came to show you the way. I had a very simple message. Love one another. Pretty goddamn simple, right? So how did my simple message get so fucked up?

The short answer is Fear. Men made rules, invented theology . . . started churches.

There is no need to Fear. Our Father will give us our daily bread. Our Father will protect us from harm. We cannot be harmed because we are not our physical body. Yes, we inhabit a physical body for a short while, but that is not us. That is not who we are. We are a part of the Father . . .  and God cannot be harmed. So there in no need to Fear anything.

And then there is love. That was my message. Love does not command one to do anything. Love does not tell one how to live. Love is Love. Simple.

We will all reunite with the Father. There is no hell . . . there is no heaven . . . there is  only Love. There is only the Tao (the path back to being God). We are fragments cast off from the Father to experience Being so that he may BE. So that we may BE.

We have to get over the fear. Only then we will find Love. Only then we will we reunite with our Father.