One Word

I’ve been angry all my life. Everyone was always out to take from me. I’ve never had any friends. Even when I was in high school, the other kids would go out to lunch together while I sat by myself, just off the school grounds, and felt the loneliness that had become my life.

On Saturdays nights, the other kids would go out on dates or pile into a car for a night of adventure. I would hitchhike to the main drag, plant myself on a bus bench, and watch the world go by, wishing I was a part of it.

Things didn’t get much better after I became an adult. I existed in the world, but was not a part of it. I had no use for anybody. My loneliness had long ago morphed into hatred. Hatred for the whole damn human race.

Then one day, I saw a dirty beggar down on 8th Street, by the 7-Eleven. I took great joy in his miserableness. At least someone was worse off than me. There was no way that he could have any friends. He was both lonely and homeless. I, on the other hand, had a roof over my head.

I tarried to revel in the spectacle. I was enjoying myself.

He held out a plastic cup, imploring me to contribute. Was he joking? Could he not tell from my sneer what I thought of him?

I was turning to leave, when a well-dressed man came up to the beggar and grabbed his filthy hand. He shook it vigorously while saying, “How ya doing, Tim?”

“Not too bad, Jim. Not too bad,” answered the tramp.

“You know, me and the wife still have that room for you. It would do you good to get off the streets and have a decent meal every day. If you’d ever accept one of my invitations to dinner, you’d see what a good cook Ruth is.”

“Thanks. But I’m doing just fine … for now. Let me take a rain check on that. Okay?”

“Sure, Tim. Sure.”

Before he left, the man took out his wallet, extracted a five-dollar bill, and put it into the cracked plastic cup held by the beggar.

I just shook my head in disbelief, turned, and walked into the 7-Eleven to get my cigarettes and a few scratch-offs.

When I came out, the beggar was in an animated conversation with a well-dressed, good-looking woman. I figured that he was harassing her and decided right then and there to go to her aid, if for no other reason than to harass the tramp.

“Excuse me, ma’am. But is this man bothering you?”

She looked at me as though I had two heads. Then she started to laugh.

“My God, no! It’s the other way around.” She turned to the beggar and said, “Tim, would you like this gentleman to intercede on your behalf?”

The beggar smiled and answered, “It’s alright. He’s a friend of mine. And he knows how I get around beautiful women. He was just trying to protect you from my lustful ways.”

It took a moment, but finally the woman broke into a big grin and said, “Tim McCarthy, if you aren’t the living end. Okay, we’ll finish this discussion later. But I’m going to get you into a decent place to live if it’s the last thing I ever do.” She dug into her purse and came out with a twenty and into the cup it went. She then wrapped her arms around that disgusting person and gave him a long, tight hug. She patted my hand before she left, saying, “You make sure to take care of our Timmy.”

I have to admit, as she strutted away, I was thinking what a great-looking ass she had.

I was brought out of my thoughts by, “She really knows how to swing that thing to hold a man’s interest.”

It was the beggar.

Okay. Hold the goddamn train. Apply the brakes. What the hell was going on? I tore my eyes away from the rapidly retreating woman and confronted the beggar.

“Please tell me … what is it with you? Why do those people associate with you?”

The tramp smiled and asked if I minded if we walked as we talked. He had an engagement and did not want to be late. I shrugged. As long as he didn’t get too close to me as we walked, I had nothing else to do. I was glad I was not on the lee as we walked. The wind kept the stench at bay.

I opened the conversation by asking, “Why did you tell that woman I was a friend of yours? I’ve never seen you before.”

He winked at me, took a few dollars out of his cup, and handed them to a homeless man as we passed by. Not a word was spoken by either man.

Finally, he said, “Even though we have never met, I consider you a friend. I mean, here you are, accompanying me to my luncheon appointment.”

“I’m walking with you to get an answer to my question. I’m no friend of yours. So, tell me. Why do these well-off citizens treat you like a long-lost friend?”

We passed another homeless person and, again, he dipped into his cup and shared his bounty.

I had to know. “Why are you giving away the money that you spent hours begging for?”

“It’s only paper with green ink on it. It doesn’t mean that much to me.”

“Then why do you stand on the street and beg for it?” I had him there. Or so I thought.

“I do it to meet people. Like I met you this morning. I think we’re going to be good friends.”

“You do, do you? I can’t stand your smell, I can’t stand being around you. I think I’ve gone as far as I want with you. I don’t care why people like you. It has no bearing on my life. Forget that I even asked why. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a life to live.”

“What kind of life?”

That stopped me in my tracks. I turned back and took stock of the slight, skinny, disheveled man who stood before me. With contempt in every syllable, I said, “A hell of a better life than you’re living or are ever apt to live.” I was so proud of myself.

He smiled. “Please have lunch with me. It’s my treat.”

I was taken aback. “What restaurant is gonna let you in?” I mocked.

He held up his right index finger and simply said, “I got a place.”

Strange as it seems, I was starting to warm to the guy. I had hit him with my best insults and none of them bothered him. At the moment, I was unemployed and had the entire day to kill before my nighttime TV shows came on, so for the second time since I met the dude, I shrugged my shoulders and decided to go with the flow.

“Okay. As long as you can find a restaurant that will seat you—and you’re paying—I’ll have lunch with you.” I thought it a safe bet. No one was going to let him through the front doors of any establishment, let alone a restaurant.

I’d never noticed before, but times must have been rough. Well, I was unemployed, but that was my fault. I just couldn’t get along with people. But what I mean is, there were beggars at almost every corner. And every time we passed a homeless person, the little guy passed out money from his cup.

After his last spurt of generosity, I sneaked a peak into his cup; there were only a few bills left and none of them were a twenty. He must have given it away.

At last we came to a restaurant, and I must admit, it was pretty fancy. I doubt if they would have let me in. But my new-found friend walked past the front door and around the corner. Did I say “friend”? That sounded strange coming from me.

“Follow me,” he said.

We went down an alley and stopped at a door. Obviously the back door to the place. A slight knock on the door and we were granted entry. We walked down a short hallway that came out into the main kitchen. The head chef, when he saw us, yelled across the room, “I’m a little busy right now. Your table is ready. We’ll talk if things slow down before you’re ready to leave.”

Tim (I might as well call him by his rightful name; after all, I was going to break bread with the guy) yelled back over the clamor of the hectic kitchen, “I’ve brought a friend. Is that okay?”

The chef smiled a broad smile and waved the large knife he was holding. Indicating it was just fine and dandy with him.

Tim steered me to a table over in a corner. Before we could get situated, a busboy came out of nowhere with two glasses of water and a basket of rolls. A minute later, he was back with two glasses of white wine that he placed on the table. He said not a word. But his smile bespoke many words. He was also a friend of Tim’s.

As we sipped our wine, Tim apologized. “I hope you don’t mind, but we won’t be ordering off of menus. My friend over there,” he said, pointing at the chef, “likes to feed me his special of the day. He’s always quite proud of what he comes up with.”

“No problem. I’m impressed. But now that we have a few minutes, please tell me why everyone loves you. I’m almost as old as you. I’m certainly a lot more presentable and cleaner, no offense, but I’ve never had a friend in my entire life.”

“No offense taken. I do have a secret and I will tell you what it is, but first I want to hear about you and your life.”

This was all new to me. Someone cared enough to want to know about me? I took a deep breath and then let out everything I’d been holding in for years. I held back nothing. I told of all the rejections and hurt I had endured. I told that man all my deepest, darkest secrets—all my disappointments.

And when I had finished, I was crying. Nothing loud or out of place, but the tears were streaming down my face. Tim handed me a linen napkin and pretended not to notice.

By the time the food arrived, I was composed and kind of hungry. The plates were garnished, and the presentation was like any of the plates going out the swing doors and into the dining room. Maybe ours were even a little bit better looking. The food was wonderful. It was some kind of French dish and probably the best meal I have ever eaten.

We didn’t speak much during the meal, but as I was mopping up the last of the sauce with a piece of bread, Tim cleared his throat and began to speak.

“You wanted to know what my secret is for having so many friends. Well, it comes down to one word.”

In anticipation, I leaned forward a little. But no secrets were forthcoming. “Hold on a minute. This is better said with some spirits in hand.” He held up his empty wine glass and a busboy, a different one this time, but still with a wide smile, filled our glasses.

After draining his glass, Tim spoke these words.

“The one single word that you have to know … that you have to live by … is love. It’s so goddamn simple. Love every person you meet as you would want to be loved. The more love you put out there, the more love you’ll get in return.”

I waited for more. And after a minute, Tim looked at me as if to ask, Are you waiting for something else? “I’m sorry, but that’s it, my friend. Just one simple word, Love … Love with a capital ‘L’ .”

I leaned back in my chair, disillusioned. So there was no secret after all. Well, at least I’d had a good meal.

Tim saw my disappointment and said, “Why don’t you meet me tomorrow at the 7-Eleven. I’ll take you to the park and introduce you around. You’ll meet all sorts of people, and I guarantee you’ll like every one of them. And in time they’ll be your friends too.”

Long story short … I took him up on his offer. Today I have a new job and I am one of the most liked persons in the office—and it’s a big office. I have a girlfriend, and on the weekends, we help out down at one of the food banks, or just take long walks in the park and say hello to our many friends.

And when I see Tim on the street with his cup, I always put in a twenty and shake his hand. I don’t offer him a place to stay because I know that’s not in his cards. He has to be out on the streets … meeting new people and saving lonely souls.


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94 Replies to “One Word

  1. Great story Andrew! Happy to read the uplifting change in tone. Tim’s right. Love is definitely the answer! Christine

  2. Love, love, love, this story, Andrew. Tim is right, love is the answer. Well penned. ☺☺☺

  3. Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    i am signing off for the night and will leave you with a story from Andrew Joyce… if you want to know the secret of success.. not the making of millions … but the making of friends and being happy… then head over and read.

  4. I could have clicked “like” on every comment here, Andrew. A truly stunning story and, as always, beautifully written.
    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMORE dot com)
    ADD/EFD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder
    “It takes a village to transform a world!

  5. Pingback: One Word – Andrew Joyce | Sue Vincent's Daily Echo
  6. Love the story. I assume this is from the book Bedtime Stories for Grownups. I’m reading it now and enjoying it. You are a great storyteller.

  7. Wonderful story Andrew. BTW, I’m really enjoying your bedtime stories ebook too. Thanks for sharing your gift for writing, Brad

  8. I have read such a nice story after a long time Andrew, it reminded me of Oscar Wilde’s ‘The Model Millionaire.’ Some of the stories in your book are as good as this one. 🙂 Thanks for sharing.

    1. To be compared to Oscar Wilde in any fashion is high praise indeed. Or did you mean I’m kinda gay? Either way, thank you. I take both as a compliment.

  9. Hi Andrew .. I’ve come via Debby Gies (D G Kaye) for our #WATWB posting for this month – Tim is truly a lesson for us all … thanks so much – cheers Hilary

  10. I’m coming via dgkaye (#WATWB) post Andrew – an beautiful and extraordinary story thank you. All good wishes to Tim and all those to spread love and kindness –

  11. A brilliant story, Andrew. It has given me goosebumps and reminded me I need to buy tins for my beggars. Hugs.

    1. I give my “beggars” a few dollars and laughingly implore them not to waste it on food. “Get a bottle of wine or a few beers … please,” I say. It always brings a smile to their face … or a perplexed look.
      Once we hand over anything, be it tins or money, it is not ours anymore. And the person who has it can do anything they want with it. If they want to buy booze or drugs, so be if it makes them happy … if it fills a need in their souls.
      I had a need in my soul and I filled it my handing over something that meant nothing to me … a few measly dollars.
      I guess what I am saying is, if someone is out on the street, don’t judge them. Sometimes the best way you can help a person is to feed their addiction. I know because I was there.

  12. Andrew, like so many others, I’ve come via Debby Gies and her #WATWB post sharing your story. And I’m so pleased she did. It’s a gem. It warms my heart. I’m so pleased it warmed the narrator’s heart too – it needed warming. Funny thing how the more you give the more you get. I guess he just had to get some before he knew what it was like to give. Thanks for changing your part of the world.

  13. Andrew, wow, I came via Debby’s reblog of your post, And I am so, so pleased she did.. I have a lump in my throat and it was such a great Story, May I have your permission to also reblog it. I have in the past written posts about homelessness. Along with how we all need to love one another. In a world where this problem is on the increase more people need to read your amazing story and share Love around.. I await your reply.
    Sue 🙂

  14. Reblogged this on Dreamwalker's Sanctuary and commented:
    I have been absent as you know busy creating, and while I put together my own post.. I first want to share one which I found reposted on a friends blog.
    I hope this story touches you, as it did me.

    So please go and let Andrew, the author of this story
    know your thoughts upon his blog. It was too good a story not to share..

    As comments will be closed here.

    See you all soon..
    Much Love,
    Sue xx <3

  15. This warmed my heart, there are so many homeless, so many without love, such loneliness because they have built walls, don’t know how to reach out…we must reach out to those who can’t.

  16. Very touching story, Andrew. I found you through Sue’s reblog.
    I will admit, that I sort a little out, what I give to the homeless. Some are real homeless and others are not, but just want the money.
    I do support the homeless, when I’m able to. At least with a smile and grating.

  17. Really one inspiring story..

    You always reap what you sow..
    and love is always the best thing to reap back on..

    Love bring love..
    Love produce love..
    love attracts love….

  18. Well, I haven’t read the other comments but I do believe that not only love but whatever you send out there comes back to you ten fold, so take care what you send in fact take care what you think because that has to happen before you send anything. Love to All, David

  19. First time here. Found as a direct result of dear Sue Dreamwalker. Would love your permission to republish this in full over on Learning from Dogs. Very comfortable if you would prefer not! Great story and an even greater message!

    1. Paul, come back and read some others….seeing your site name, I think you’d especially enjoy The Danny Chronicles….written from the perspective of another great writer—Andrew’s best friend, Danny the Dog. Danny’s now crossed that bridge, but his stories touched us, made us laugh…hell, even made us like Andrew, ?

  20. It takes a while to find that self love, but when you do a light comes on, one that will show a new path to freedom <3
    Great story 😀

      1. I know, but then we wouldn’t understand it. It’s like seeing and appreciating a happy thing in our lives after being in a very sad state for a very long time. Unless we were in that sad state we wouldn’t appreciate the happy for what it is. Or being given money all the time, we would just spend it without a thought. But if we have to work for that money, then we are more careful and appreciative of it because of how it was earned.
        That is our journey to find that self love, being loaded with fears from our childhood and enduring much pain for many years until we understand them. And the day that we finally see what built those fears, is the day that we will finally ‘see’, understand and then appreciate what this whole journey is all about…and finally love ourselves because of what we have endured 😀

  21. Came over here from Sue’s blog. You’re one incredible writer. This story is so incredible and yes, it read like a bedtime story. It’s late where I am, but I shall have a smile on my face as I contemplate the amazingness that is your words. Well done, and bravo. I had to share this. 🙂

  22. What a great story Andrew so glad Sue directed me over here.
    Will pop over again if that’s ok.
    Many Blessings
    Sheila thank you.

  23. What a wonderful piece, Andrew. I came from Sue’s blog. So glad I stopped by. Sometimes we all just have to step back and take things…just simple, and look out for others. It’s never always about ourselves, but about others too. At the end of the day, no one is better than another. Sure we may be better at some things compared to others like better at some kind of trade, but we are most certainly not better as a person as a whole. Very well written, and I enjoyed reading it all the way through 🙂

  24. I came from Sue Dreamweaver’s and I’m so glad I did. Your story moved me to tears, Andrew. There is something to be said in writing from the Heart with complete candor and truth. Bless you for sharing your story. You made a huge impression upon me, another who’s philosophy is to Love all, yet stumbles still.

    1. Usually when I move a woman to tears it’s a bad thing. However, in this case, I’ll take it as a compliment.

  25. I don’t usually read re-blogs but I trust Sue Dreamwalker and it was worth the visit. She almost never re-blogs so there you go. Great story! Love is the only thing. This story left me with a couple of ah ha moments in my own thoughts. Thanks.

  26. This is such a wonderful story. I came here from D.G. Kaye’s blog. May we continue to help others and share love <3

  27. What a beautiful story, Andrew! It opened my eyes. When I see a homeless person I will leave them some green paper. We never know what lives these homeless have lived. Sad to see them like that but maybe that’s the way they want to be. Love is all they need!
    Thank you for sharing this unforgettable story! Blessings & hugs! ?

  28. Pingback: A Heartwarming Story! | Jemsbooks
  29. I haven’t been here before, but I’ll be back. That was a fantastic story. It had me from start to finish. Thank you, and take care.

  30. What a touching story, but the one word being “Love” doesn’t surprise me. It only proves that Love can truly warm hearts of all statures in life. I came here from Sue’s blog – wonderful story, Andrew…

  31. Thank you for sharing this soul touching, inspiring story, Andrew. I found my way here via Janice Spina. Delighted to be following your blog now as well. Cheers! 🙂

  32. What an amazing story, Andrew. I’m glad Debby sent us here. Heartwarming and from the heart. I recognize many of the feelings, but I’ve never made a homeless friend. Being a roamer myself, I can understand the desire to live on the streets, feel free and meet people. As far as grumpiness goes, I find the older I get, the less I like people and the human race. I should remember your story and see certain things in a more positive light.

    1. Tim was not of this world. He is Jesus. He is The Buddha, he is Lao Tzu, he is Krishna. He is who we are if we let ourselves BE. He’s a teacher, he has no need of things of of this plane … and if you think about it, either do we. All we need is to eat once a day and be dry when it rains and our lives are fullfilled. Everything else clouds our minds. (But if I didn’t have my computer, I’d die!)

  33. I got here from D. G. Kaye’s blog. I really enjoyed this short story, it spoke volumes to me. I wish more people had this kind of giving and loving souls. I think the world would be a much better place. Thank you for sharing this story on the internet. Have a wonderful one.

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