Bedtime Stories

The short stories contained herein are a mixture of fiction and non-fiction. My hitching adventures are true, as are the ones about three women who had a profound effect on my life: Ellen, Maryanne, and Joanie. I can attest to the story entitled Treasure being factual because I was there. There are three historical pieces, Belinda Mulrooney, Massacre, and Turkey Shoot, that are based on facts. The Danny narratives are also true, but written from a perspective different from mine. However, Dead and Wise Guy are pure fiction even though my name pops up in both of them. The fiction stories are a jumble of genres. My intent was to keep things interesting for you.

I must tell you, I never thought any of these stories would see the light of day. I wrote them for myself and then forgot about them. If I had known that one day they’d be published, I might not have been as honest when describing my youthful misdeeds.

While collecting the content for this book from my writings over the years, I envisioned my readers sampling my prose a little each night before extinguishing the lights and drifting off to a restful sleep.

I sincerely hope that you will enjoy my stories. It took a lot of living to come up with the material for some of them.

Andrew Joyce


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29 Replies to “Bedtime Stories

  1. Reblogged this on Barb Taub and commented:
    I just bought this book of insane, wonderful, hilarious, and occasionally true stories. (Danny the Dog wouldn’t lie. Andrew the Writer almost certainly would.) A fabulous treat for any reader!

  2. Pingback: Bedtime Stories | Annette Rochelle Aben

    1. You’re in luck, Ms. Peach, because I ain’t publishing anything else for at least a year. It will give you time to catch up. In the meantime, I’m going out for a long, long drunk.

  4. I can’t wait to get the print book which I prefer to e-books….700 pages is impressive to hold, and I LOVE the cover! (Speaking of that, sort of….and if I may be so bold to put this on Andrew’s blog….I saw that there are four other books on Amazon with this same title, so be sure to order the one written by our own “One and Only”!)

  5. Hi Andrew,
    I’m glad to see you survived Irma. Did you really stay on your boat and in the A/C room at the marina?
    As an author, you are a hoot and on the other side a genus. You take your ability at storytelling and transfer them to the written word. I love reading your work. Adult Bedtime stories – love it.

    1. Since Andrew said I can be “as bold as I like” (lol) then I’m going to say to you, Chuck, if you love his work, you are going to be “over the moon” for this collection. No lie…this is a real treat for Joyce fans!

  6. I’m glad to see this book, Andrew. Kudos. And good for including the Danny stories…Danny’s and your interview for my blog was a smashing hit!

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