Today's Your Lucky Day

You can get Resolution: Huck Finn’s Greatest Adventure for only $0.99!!!

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Averaging 4.9 stars out of 5 on Amazon.

A few reviews:

“I was mostly on the edge of my seat – the action doesn’t stop, but there is so much wit, love, and just plain fabulous life in this story, I loved it all the way through. Andrew Joyce is the real deal, and an awesome storyteller in his own right, right up there with Mr Twain.” — Jo Robinson, Feed My Reads

“. . . it took me a couple of head shakes to be able to accept Huck and Tom as late middle-aged lawmen come adventurers but this book really made it believable. Fans of adventure and edge of your seat thrillers can’t do better than this book. It’s a superb read and very well written and one that will take the reader on an epic adventure with a beloved literary character who has grown up.” — All Things Books
“In each of his books, Andrew Joyce uses the setting as almost another character.  We see the “Wild West” growing up, getting tamed by settlers, farmers, the railroad. We see Alaska just starting to face those same challenges. Despite its bare bones approach to sensory descriptions, the spare prose and dialog convey the overwhelming and impersonal power, beauty, and threat of the country as Molly and Huck make their way. if westerns as a genre are about seizing control of our own fate–the ultimate American-defining trope–then Huck Finn and Molly Lee’s story is as American as a western could possibly be. Certainly, I think it deserves every one of those five stars.” — Barb Taub, Writing & Coffee


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5 Replies to “Today's Your Lucky Day

  1. Reblogged this on The Life & Times of Zoe the Fabulous Feline and commented:
    A steal…! This final adventure involving Huck and Molly will have you turning pages to see if they make it. When the wolves show up and begin stalking our friends, you’ll be turning pages to see whether the two- leggeds or the four-leggeds win. And you’ll cheer at the outcome of that encounter. So, if you haven’t bought this book yet, now’s the time. (Why are you still “here” and not at Amazon??)

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