In the Early Morning Rain


I have a longing in my heart. I have a yearning in my soul, as I stand here in the early morning rain. I’d best be on my way, but the thought of you keeps me here.

I was leaving this town cause I could find no work. I am down to my last dollar. Then I saw you.

I have nothing; I am nothing, so I cannot approach you. Instead, I stand here in the early morning rain and look to where you live. I only want one more look at you and then I’ll go. One look at you through a window, in the early morning rain.

I have no place to go . . .  I have no one that cares for me . . . but I have the vision of you in my heart. That will sustain me . . . if I can only see you one more time, in the early morning rain.

I’m a long way from home, in miles and in time. I’ve been alone forever. I thought I needed no one, but now after having seen you but once, I find myself in the early morning rain with an aching in my heart.

There you are. You passed by the window, it was only a glimpse I had of you. Now I’ll be on my way. I could have loved you so much, but that will not be.

This old world has me down . . . as I stand here in the early morning rain.

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5 Replies to “In the Early Morning Rain

  1. Powerful, moving, heart-achingly sad. *haunting*~ Touches deeply, in the soul. Very lovely, so very special. Thank you!!!

  2. Pingback: I’m Late | scottishmomus

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