12 Replies to “For John H.

  1. What a lovely photo, Andrew. I can’t help but be taken by the idea that you dedicated it to John H. Since I’m the only John H. I know, my heartfelt thanks to you. If it is not me, don’t say anything. Just let me smile.

  2. Reblogged this on Fiction Favorites and commented:
    I was surprised this morning by a very kind act on the part of Andrew Joyce. He titled a beautiful photo For John H. There could be many John H’s who would love this title but I’m taking it as my own. You know Andrew. He’s the writer’s writer and master craftsmen of words. His latest book is titled Mahoney and is sitting on my Kindle tempting me to break sequence and get to it now. You can visit his other books at https://www.amazon.com/Andrew-Joyce/e/B00EUCFDTM. Thank you, Andrew

  3. A beautiful picture, Andrew. Makes my flip phone green with envy. Or is that just the moss of antiquity growing on it?

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