
After twenty months of writing, researching, and editing, I’m ready to spring my latest upon the world. I’ve priced it at only $0.99 for a short while so my fans (all three of you) can buy it, read it, and hopefully enjoy it. If you do enjoy it, please leave a review. They sure help with sales. I’m gonna thank you all in advance because I think I earned myself a beer … or two.

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27 Replies to “Finally!!!

        1. An Incredibly entertaining piece of Andrew Joyce Magic . . . my Fave so far . . . Reviewed on Amazon as of yesterday or the daay before not sure lol

  1. I’m aboard the Archimedes getting sea sick but on my way to America – gonna build a new dynasty of Mahoneys…compressed in a top bunk with 26 inches of clearance to the ceiling and five bunks below me, listening to grunts, crying, squeaky bulkheads, and odors you can’t believe…miserable beginning of a long voyage! BUT, the book, “Mahoney” is a must read for history buffs…a damned good book, well-written, and with a great pace… I’ve got my 99 cent kindle and already know I’m giving this puppy a 5-Star spanking! Kudos, Andrew! Now, go have several beers plus throw in a vodka shot! ♥

  2. At these prices who can afford not to buy the book, Andrew. I got mine. Am looking forward to it.

    1. You saved me having to write you an email begging you to buy and review the book. I owe ya one. Thanks.

  3. Pingback: Finally!!! | Annette Rochelle Aben
  4. Pingback: Finally!!! | Dragons Rule OK.
  5. Andrew and Emily, just read the few chapters Kindle provided – bought my copy and will be getting into the book ‘big time’ in a few hours. All the best, Andrew – hope you sell tons! ♥

    1. Billy Ray, this is Emily…Zoe is busy on my (read “her”) laptop but deigned to let me have it for a minute, just to say I hope you love it…I think you will!

  6. Hi Andrew
    Congratulations on staying with it and getting it out. Now you have more time to shoot more pictures of mud puddles. I look forward to reading Mahoney.

    1. Thanks, Chuck. I’ll find and extraordinary puddle and take a picture of it just for you because you love them so much.

  7. “Mahoney” is as good as it gets! i won’t be surprised to see awards coming in… Julie Anne is a fast reqder – I’m guessing she reads a book a day. She loves reading and has since she was six-years old. First-rate writing, Andrew. You’re among the best! ♥

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