2nd to the Last Excerpt

Book Cover
Still holding my gun, on unsteady legs, I walked to the back of the barn and emptied my gut, splashing my boots in the process. I heaved everything I had in me and then some. When I was done, I wiped my mouth with the sleeve of my coat. On that fiery-hot day, in the middle of nowhere, in a godforsaken patch of desert, I learned that it is not easy to kill a man. It’s not easy at all, even if the man needed killing.

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13 Replies to “2nd to the Last Excerpt

        1. Hey, John. You gotta tell Tiny that it was just a one night fling. He’s gotta move on with his life. I have.

          1. I think he has moved on. He has taken up with a vodka swilling writer of ill repute. No one we know though.

  1. You are a rascal. You keep throwing out tidbits to entice us more. I’m salivating wanting the entire book. When?

    1. A “rascal” am I? No one wants this book out more the me. Fourteen months of research and writing. And now five months (and counting) of editing is enough to drive me to drink.

      1. I hear you loud and clear. I just got my manuscript back from my beta readers. It’s back to doing some re-writes. Ain’t it fun. ?

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