Naked Before the Sun

I stand here naked before the sun. There is no place to hide. I wear my sins as a cloak for all to see.

I’m on my knees, begging for forgiveness.

Although, what I have done in this life is unforgiveable.

Her name is written on the skein of time and space.

I sit here in my drunken stupor and regret so much.

There is so little time … so little time.

Soon I’ll be dead and gone.

How long before my sins are forgiven?

When my bleached bones wash up on a distant shore?

When she who I have wronged and demeaned is in heaven?

If I could … I would go back and undo what I have done.

Know this … my karma will follow me into the next life. Hopefully, once there, I will be allowed to make amends.

I loved you … I loved you … I loved you so much. And I am so goddamn sorry.

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23 Replies to “Naked Before the Sun

  1. Andrew, dark words straight from the heart! Wonder how many other people have those thoughts? Happy Wednesday, my friend! ? Christine

    1. I’m just sitting here looking for an excuse to not work on my latest book. So I threw out a few words. It’s better than working.

    1. My main regret (this week) is that I didn’t buy two bottles of vodka. I may be snowed in for the duration.

  2. Well, you got your brain working! Get back to the book. I need company working on mine! New. Years goal, write everyday! ? Christine

  3. Zoe’s other half here…

    As you well know, our past makes us who we are in the present. And I’d say you’re a gem, but you might get too comfortable. 🙂 Seriously, though, pulled the heart strings, beautifully written.

  4. Well, isn’t this a party…. Actually, I was rather moved by this I could see someone reading it and felt the “catch” in their throat and the tear escaping by running down the side of her face. You have a way with words, has anyone ever told you that?

  5. The somber tone curls the toes and make memories vivid! Surely, you could share a vodka with me as we stagger and weep together… Beautiful, spontaneous, and poignant! Quite obviously from the heart… See you next life with John Howell – Vodka and Willett and my Rum ought to do it! ♥

  6. Pretty Dark, Andrew. Some people do their best work from that place – have to count you among them but don’t stay there.

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