10 Replies to “Writer’s Block – Guest Post by, Andrew Joyce…

  1. Andrea, honey, chickie, sweeite, bay-bay, relax and allow yourself to regroup! You got this. Besides, I hear tell, that Danny has been sniffing around for a ghost writer for his adventures… you know a book of bow-wow stuff. 🙂

    1. Danny’s works on his book (The Danny Diaries) while I watch old movies from the 1930s on my phone.

  2. So some guy writes only 491 words today and tells the world he suffers from writer’s block? But if he writes 491 words a day for 365 days, that figures out to 179,215 words. Figure the average octavo hardback novel contains more than 80,000 words, That figures you’d write two entire novels in a year, which is a good score for Hemingway or any other ace.

    My advice: Shut up and get to work. You one ‘o them apes hopes to live forever, or what?

    And while you’re at it, find me a nice, fat young Cornish hen.


  3. Andrew,
    I listened to your podcast with Annette. I can’t imagine you being a loss for words (he giggles). With your experiences, you have got to have a hundred stories to draw on. I’m new to writing, so I don’t judge, I learn from the experienced like yourself. With this said, it is comforting to know even the best get bogged down occasionally.

  4. I hear you. I’ve been here for the past couple of months and the root cause is the same: fear. Fear of not measuring up. Fear that I can’t create anything worthwhile.

    I’ve been taking deep breaths and telling myself that this too will pass.

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