13 Replies to “Yesterday

  1. Oh I do love Danny… sorry the scenery is fabulous but he takes the biscuit.. and the turkey slice of course….

  2. Oh my, what a sky! And funky tree limbs make my mind swim! But an adorable dog with a smile on his face, every time takes the cake!

  3. Andrew, love the haunting clouds/sky & tree branches! Danny you have that squinty eye guarding the dock look! Of course, handsome too! ? Christine

  4. I got confused here for a minute. Well, maybe not a whole minute, but the better part of one. I thought I was on Andrew’s blog, but most of the replies are Danny’s. So I had to scoot back up to check where I was. Now that I’ve reoriented myself, all I have to say is: that’s the most handsome and adorable pic of Danny I’ve yet to see! Oh yeah, and the sly and branches are incredible, too 🙂

    1. I was taking the day off and letting Danny speak for himself. After all, that’s all you girls wanna talk about. And when you wrote “sly” that was a Freudian slip. You were thinking of the sly old dog, Danny.

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