What I Love Most About You

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What I love most about you is the way sunlight plays in your hair.

What I love most about you is the way you hold me when we dance.

What I love most about you is the way your eyes smile.

What I love most about you is the way you sing your songs.

What I love most about you is the way you make love to me.

What I love most about you is . . . you!

About Me

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17 Replies to “What I Love Most About You

  1. Brother! How sappy can one be? Andrew, I think not Danny but the love bug done bit you and turned your mere mortal brain to baked beans! I’m gonna have to ask Danny about this. (OK, I have to admit it…it is a very sweet story and you are a good writer to make it so believeable!)

  2. Beautiful, finally a real man that is not afraid to put his feelings into words. If all men treated women this way forever there would be less divorces. You are what we women call “a keeper.” Well done and a very Merry Christmas and a Healthy, Happy New Year.

    1. Thanks. I may be a “keeper” now (and I’m not so sure about that), but I assure you, I’ve been “thrown back” many a time.

  3. I don’t mean for you to take this personal, Andrew. But 40-some years ago, I saw a T-shirt that said: “Be gentle with me darling and treat me not unkind, for verily I love thee as pigs love the mud.”

    Think about that.

    Yer friend,


    1. Deke, I was so expecting a rhyme there…so the “as pigs love the mud” was a bit disappointing, but clearly the statement conveys a strong love! lol

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