Month: June 2015
Something You Don't See Every Day
My name is Andrew Joyce and I write books for a living. You can check me out on Google (Andrew Joyce Author). My point is that is all I do, write books. I do not make money in any other way. Another thing that I must say is that on the whole, I don’t like communing with people very much.
I only tell you this because I ran into some very nice people the other day; not only nice, but honest. I found them on the Internet, they run a book blogging tour company and I didn’t know them from Adam.
They did right by me and when I wanted to buy more of their services, I was advised that they would love to take my money, but if I wanted to sell more books I would be better served elsewhere. Then they showed me where I could be “better served.” They were right. Their name is Good Tales Book Tours. Here’s a link:
That's all I wanted to say.
Danny's Freedom
Hey guys, it's me again, Danny the Dog. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Andrew Joyce’s roommate and he is my human.
I've just been reading a little Billy Shakespeare and listening to Kris Kristofferson. Genius will tell out. What got to me this day was how they both spoke to having nothing. Billy said: "Having nothing, nothing can he lose." And Kris wrote: "Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose. Nothin' ain't worth nothin' but it's free."
In dog years I'm an old man, or an old dog if you will; and with age comes experience and with experience comes wisdom. And with wisdom comes the realization that we need nothing to be, nothing to exist. We accumulate so much crap and it never makes us happy. Here in America we have storage facilities on every corner. We have so much crap we have to pay someone to hold it for us!
Over one hundred and fifty years ago, Henry David Thoreau told his neighbors that they saved things; put them in their attics and there the stuff stayed until they died. Then their heirs sold the stuff and other people bought it and put it in their attics until they died. Etcetera ... etcetera ... etcetera.
I reckon what I’m trying to say is that all we need—dogs, humans and anyone else—is love. There is only love. There is fear of course, the fear of not having enough, the fear of not being loved enough. But love always triumphs over fear. So to my non-dog friends, I say choose love. I'm only a dog and I love my human unconditionally. Love those around you. Never, ever trade your love. Never ask for something in return for your love because then it is not love.
Danny the Dog, over and out.
P.S. This missive was inspired by Kris’ words.